A Textbook of Optics

This textbook has been designed to provide necessary foundation in optics which would not only acquaint the student with the subject but would also prepare for an intensive study of advanced topics in optics at a later stage. With an emphasis on concepts, mathematical derivations have been kept at the minimum. This textbook has been primarily written for undergraduate students of B.Sc. Physics and would also be a useful resource for aspirants appearing for competitive examinations.

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A Textbook of Optics
N Subrahmanyam et. al
Ограниченный просмотр - 2004

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Название A Textbook of Optics
Автор N Subrahmanyam et. al
Издатель S. Chand Publishing, 2012
ISBN 8121926114, 9788121926119
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 729
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan