Parish Bylaws

Printed with All Amendments
Approved August 2022
By the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America



The Parish of the Greek Orthodox Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, Inc in the County of St. Clair, State of Illinois.



The Parish is a locally organized eucharistic Orthodox Christian body of communicants within the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (the “ Archdiocese ”) led by a Priest. The Regulations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, which includes the Archdiocesan Regulations, the Uniform Metropolis Regulations and the Uniform Parish Regulations (collectively, the “ Regulations ”) provides the basis for conducting the affairs of the Parish. These Bylaws supplement the Regulations, as may be amended from time to time, to fulfill the local needs of the Parish. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of these Bylaws and the Regulations, the Regulations shall control. In the event any provision of the Regulations or these Bylaws is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision shall be fully severable; these Bylaws shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised a part of these Bylaws; and, the remaining provisions of these Bylaws shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision or by its severance from these Bylaws. The Parish is governed by the General Not for Profit Corporation Act of Illinois (805 ILCS 105) (the “ Act ”), the Regulations, which are incorporated herein by reference, and these Bylaws.


Section 1 . The Parish Council shall consist of 8 members. The length of term for the Parish Council member shall be three (3) years. Three (3) Parish Council members will be elected in two (2) consecutive years, and two (2) Parish Council members will be elected in the third (3rd) year. Priest(s) are members of the Parish Council ex-officio, but without vote.

Section 2 . The Parish Council will strive to meet monthly, at agreed upon times, but no less than each calendar quarter. Meetings of the Parish Council may be held in person and/or by means of conference telephone, video, Internet, or other interactive communications equipment so long as all Parish Council members participating in the meeting can communicate with each other, and such participation shall constitute attendance and presence in person at such meeting, Votes taken at these meetings are valid and will be recorded by the Secretary. Special meetings of the Parish Council may be called by or on request of the Presiding Priest or the President, or any three (3) members of the Parish Council.

Section 3 . Parish Council Officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, provided, however, no person may concurrently hold more than one office. Officers will be elected by secret ballot or voice vote, as deemed appropriate by the members present. Elected officers will serve for a period of 1 year.

a. Duties of the President

i. To call meetings of the Parish Council

ii. To call Parish Assembly meetings

iii. To preside at Parish Council meetings

iv. To be a de facto member of all committees, elected or appointed

v. To appoint committee chairman for all standing committees and ad hoc committees as deemed necessary.

vi. To appoint a chairman to direct the formation of all instructional activities such as language and Sunday School.

vii. To be responsible for all Parish property, documents, and reports.

viii. To fully inform the Parish Council always of any and all matters and decisions pertaining to the Parish.

ix. To be responsible for the actions of all the members of the Parish Council and its officers.

x. To fully inform the congregation of the condition and the status of the Parish at each Parish Assembly meeting.

xi. To jointly sign checks with the Treasurer.

b. Duties of the Vice President

i. To assist the President in such duties as may be required.

ii. To preside, in the President’s absence, at all meetings and to transact all business as deemed necessary.

iii. To assume responsibility for an arrange all social activities related to the Parish.

c. Duties of the Secretary

i. To record and keep all minutes of meetings of the Parish Council and meetings of the Parish Assembly.

ii. To sign, along with the President and Priest all Parish documents and reports.

iii. To transfer all records pertaining to the office of Secretary to his/her successor.

iv. To inform all members of the Parish Council of all meetings called by the President.

v. To inform the congregation by mail, of all Parish Assembly meetings.

vi. To develop and issue correspondence as directed by the Parish Council President.

d. Duties of the Treasurer

i. To collect and deposit all Parish funds.

ii. To keep and acceptable ledger of revenues and expenditures.

iii. To assist and cooperate with the activities of any CPA retained by the Parish/Board of Auditors.

iv. To sign checks jointly with the President.

v. To report at each Parish Council meeting and the Parish Assembly meeting the financial standing of the Parish.

vi. To transfer al records pertaining to this office, after approval of the Board of Auditors, to his/her successor.

vii. To assure the prompt payment of all bills, and other commitments as directed by the Parish Council. Such Payments may be made via electronic means if so authorized by the Parish Council.

viii. Assure all checks bear the signature of the President and the Treasurer, or another of the elected officers of the Parish Council.

e. Duties of the Parish Council (Power and Authority)

i. The control and management of the Parish and its affairs, funds and property shall be vested in the Council of 8 members, to be known as the “Parish Council” all of whom shall be members in good standing.

ii. To borrow money from time to time, in the name of the Parish, and to pledge the credit and property of the Parish, provided the Parish Council complies with the provisions of Article 16 of the Regulations.

iii. To perform those functions necessary and expedient to control and manage the Parish and its properties.

iv. To fill any vacancies, amount the officers of the council members by a vote of the majority of those present at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose. Any such appointment shall be for the unexpired term of office and the appointee shall hold such office until his/her successor is elected and qualified.

v. All special gifts, bequests, and devices, when deemed feasible by the Parish Council, shall be administered as one or more special funds in keeping with the intent of the donor or testator.

vi. The Parish Council shall have the power and authority to use any unrestricted funds for maintaining the Parish or its properties, and to use restricted funds in accordance with the restricted purpose.

vii. To serve the Parish in accordance with Article 24 of the Regulations.


Section 1 . The Parish Board of Elections shall consist of 3 members, elected to serve a term of one year, by the Parish Assembly at the first regular meeting held each year Assembly in accordance with Article VIII, Section 2 of these Bylaws. The Board of Elections shall in cooperation with the Priest and the Parish Council check the list of candidates, notify all eligible members concerning the elections, supervise the elections and tabulate and report the results. The Priest shall be advised of all meetings of the Board of Elections, which he may attend if he so desires.

Section 2 . No later than the month of October, the Board of Elections shall place in nomination on the ballot a minimum of six (6) names for years 1 and 2, and a minimum of four (4) names for year 3. The Parishioners shall elect three (3) Parish Council members for years 1 and 2, and two (2) Parish Council members in the third (3rd) year. Thereafter, the process for years 1, 2 and 3 shall continuously repeat.

Section 3 . Ballots for electing Parish Council members, may be cast in person or by mail. Mail ballots may be obtained from the Election Board and must be received by them at least one (1) day prior to the election date. The three receiving the most votes will be elected to the Council and will be so informed. In the third year, four should be nominated, two elected.

Section 4 . The Board of Auditors will be elected at the Fall Assembly. Members in accordance with Article VIII, Section 2 of these Bylaws.

Section 5 . Elections shall be held on Parish premises and shall be by secret ballot. Voting shall begin after conclusion of the Divine Liturgy and shall terminate at two thirty (2:30) in the afternoon of the same day. The exact date for Parish Council member elections will not occur later than the second Sunday in December, three to be voted on by the Parishioners to serve on the Parish Council.

Section 6 . Proxy votes will not be allowed under any circumstances.


Section 1 . Twenty Parish members in good standing shall be required to form a quorum to convene a Parish Assembly. If a quorum is not present, then action shall be taken as provided in the Uniform Parish Regulations.

Section 2 . A simple majority vote of the members in good standing and present at the meeting will constitute approval of any matter submitted to the Assembly for action except for the purchase, sales, mortgage or otherwise encumbering the property. In this instance, the required approval shall be by two-thirds of the members in good standing and present at the meeting, duly called (with at least ten (10) days prior written notice) for that purpose, and all other requirements set forth in the Uniform Parish Regulations concerning Parish Property are satisfied.

Section 3 . Two regular Parish Assembly Meetings will be held each year to acquaint the membership of action taken on old business and for the introduction and action of new business. The first meeting to be held between the months of March and May and the second to be held between the months of August and October.

Section 4 . The Parish Council may call a meeting of the Parish Assembly at any time it deems necessary to consider urgent matters. Special Parish Assemblies shall be held when the Parish Priest and/or Parish Council deem it necessary, or when ten percent (10%) of the Stewards in good standing submit a written petition to the Parish Priest and Parish Council stating the purpose thereon for such meeting.


Section 1 . Every person who is baptized and chrismated according to the rites of the Orthodox Church is a parishioner. The religious, moral and social duties of a parishioner are to apply the tenets of the Orthodox Faith to his/her life and to: adhere to and live according to the tenets of the Orthodox faith; faithfully attend the Divine Liturgy and other worship services; participate regularly in the holy sacraments; respect all ecclesiastical authority and all governing bodies of the Church; be obedient in matters of the Faith, practice and ecclesiastical order; contribute towards the progress of the Church's sacred mission; and be an effective witness and example of the Orthodox Faith and Traditions to all people.

A parishioner in good standing practices all the religious and moral duties as described in this Section 1. At a minimum, a parishioner in good standing must: be eighteen years of age or over; be current in his or her stewardship and other financial obligations to the Parish, abide by all the regulations herein stated and the Parish Bylaws; and cooperate in every way towards the welfare and wellbeing of the Parish. (Stewardship is recommended to be ten percent (10%) of one’s annual income as stated in Holy Scripture to help meet the financial obligations of the Parish, the Metropolis and the Archdiocese.)

Section 2 . Any person wishing to be a parishioner in good standing in more than one Parish must remit his or her Stewardship financial obligation to each Parish as stated in Section 1 of this Article. A parishioner wishing to move from one Parish to another must present a letter of transfer from the Priest of the Parish from which he or she is moving stating that he or she is in good standing.

Section 3 . No person shall be deemed a parishioner in good standing while: not adhering to the standards outlined in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article; retaining affiliation in an Orthodox Parish which defies the jurisdiction or the ecclesiastical authority of the Archdiocese; being a member of or practicing a non-Orthodox faith or other religion; and deliberately disregarding and transgressing the moral law of the Church.

Section 4 . The Priest shall judge any cases of special circumstances justifying the waiver of a parishioner's stewardship financial obligations.

Section 5 . A parishioner in good standing has the right to attend, participate and vote at Parish Assemblies, as well as to vote in Parish Council elections. Each such parishioner may also be nominated for election to the Parish Council or to represent the Parish at a Local Assembly or the Congress.

Section 6 . An Orthodox Christian parishioner in good standing at his or her canonical Orthodox Parish may serve as a sponsor in another Parish without being obliged to become a member in good standing at the Parish where the sacrament will take place. A parishioner may serve as a sponsor in another Parish by presenting a letter of good standing from his or her home Parish Priest.

Section 7 . Each Parish shall maintain a Parish Record which shall include, at a minimum, the following information concerning each parishioner: baptismal and family name, occupation (optional), dates of baptism and/or chrismation and marriage, complete family record of spouse and children, date of entry into the Parish indicating if transferred from another Parish, date of death, and such other information that shall be deemed appropriate.


Section 1 . The Parish Council will submit to the membership the proposed budget, for the ensuing year, for approval at the last Parish Assembly meeting of the year.

Section 2 . A simple majority of the parishioner in good standing present at the Parish Assembly meeting shall be required for approval of the budget.

Section 3 . The Parish Council will have authority to spend without Parish Assembly approval up to $10,000.00 (not to exceed two occurrences within one calendar year). In case of emergency the Parish Council has the authority to spend whatever is necessary to cover such emergency expense.

STANDING COMMITTEES (Appointed and Elected)

Section 1 . Appointed Committees

The Stewardship Committee is charged with recording the offering, gifts of parishioners and others. Records are to be current. All funds received by the Stewardship Committee are to be immediately delivered to the Treasurer. Regular reports will be given to the Parish Council. The annual Stewardship emphasis will be managed and conducted by members of this committee. At least one member of the Parish Council will serve on this committee.

b. Capital Improvement and Maintenance

The Capital improvement and Maintenance Committee is responsible for the disposition of Parish property, building, maintenance, and improvements and shall make recommendations to the Parish Council. The President shall preside as chairman.

The Outreach-Evangelism Committee will work with and under the supervision of the Priest in fostering reaching out into the community with the light of Christ, inviting people to “Come and See.” Brochures, events, invitational activities, and maintaining contact with visitors and inquirers are potential activities for those involved on this committee.

The Social Committee shall be responsible for coordination and planning of all Parish social functions. The Vice President will preside as chairman. The committee with work with the Outreach-Evangelism committee.

The Education Committee shall be responsible for coordinating and organizing all educational and organization activities, which are related to the Parish, such as Sunday School, Greek School, Religious Study Groups and Greek Societies. The chairman will be appointed by the Priest.

Section 2 . Elected Committees.

a. Board of Auditors

The Board of Auditors shall consist of three members, elected at the Fall Assembly. They may not (i) be a candidate for election to the Parish Council, (ii) be a member of the Parish Council; nor (iii) have served on the Parish Council for the year being audited. The Board of Auditors will be elected for a term of one year. Vacancies which may occur will be filled by the Parish Council by electing a successor therefor from amongst the parishioners of the Parish in good standing. Any such appointee shall hold such office until his successor is elected and qualified. No employee of the Parish may serve on the Board of Auditors, and no more than one family member, at the same time, shall serve on the Board of Auditors. No family member of a Priest serving the Parish may serve on its Board of Auditors. A “family member” is defined as spouse, children and their spouses, grandchildren and their spouses, siblings and their spouses, parents and grandparents. The Board of Auditors shall have the financial competency to properly execute its responsibilities. It will be their charge to audit and examine all financial records of the Parish for the prior year and to so inform the membership at is first Parish Assembly Meeting, by written report. After review by the Parish Assembly, the Parish Council shall hold such office until his successor is elected transmit copies of the final audit to the Metropolis and qualified.
the Archdiocese.

b. Board of Elections

Board of Elections shall consist of three members and shall perform duties as written in Article IV. Candidates for election to the Parish Council are not eligible to serve on the Board of Elections. No employee of the Parish may serve on the Board of Elections, and no more than one family member, at the same time, shall serve on the Board of Elections. No family member of a Priest serving the Parish may serve on its Board of Elections. A “family member” is defined as spouse, children and their spouses, grandchildren and their spouses, siblings and their spouses, parents and grandparents. A vacancy on the Board of Elections shall be filled by the Parish Council by electing a successor therefor from among the parishioners in good standing who are not candidates for election to the Parish Council.

c. Endowment Committee

The Endowment Committee shall consist of four members, the President and Secretary of the Parish Council, and two members of the laity elected for a two-year term, during the yearly election of members of the Parish Council. The Committee’s fiduciary responsibility is to increase the fund and its yield, preserve its principal investment, and contribute yearly to the General Fund from interest and dividends only. It will manage and execute any special requests made by investors. Members of this committee shall stand ready to answer any questions about the fund when asked by the members of the community. A vacancy on the Endowment Committee shall be filled by the Parish Council by electing a successor therefor from among the parishioners in good standing.


Section 1 . These by-laws may be amended and revised by a majority vote of parishioners in good standing present at a Parish Assembly meeting.

Section 2 . Notice of proposed changes or revisions must be identified and mailed to all parishioners in good standing at least 10 days prior to a vote, either as proposed by the By-Laws Committee or by written petition signed by at least 10% of the parishioners in good standing.

Section 3 . Any additions, amendments or revisions to the By-Laws shall not have immediate effect but shall become effective on the first day of the month following their enactment and approval of the Archdiocese.


Section 1 . Parish Council

The President of the Parish Council presides over all meetings. Meetings will be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition.

Section 2 . Parish Assembly

A chairman, to direct the meeting will be elected by a majority of members present. In the event no nominations are tendered, the President of the Parish Council will appoint a Parishioner to serve as Chairman, or failing this, he will himself serve in that capacity. It shall be the duty of the chairman to assure that dignity and decorum is maintained at all times, and that the meeting progress smoothly through each item on the agenda. Meetings will be conducted in an orderly fashion according to Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition.