Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs. They help filter extra salts, waste, and water from your body. You need to drink enough water every day to help flush the extra salts into your urine. Aim for 6 to 8 8-ounce cups every day.
Kidney stones are made up of chemical crystals that separate out from urine. These crystals clump together to make stones. They may stay in the kidney or move into the urinary tract.
Kidneys form stones for many reasons. If you don’t drink enough water, for instance, you won’t have enough urine to dilute chemicals. Then the chemicals may form crystals, which can develop into stones. Here are some reasons why kidney stones form:
Stones begin in the cup-shaped part of the kidney (calyx). Some stay in the calyx and grow. Others move into the kidney, pelvis, or the ureter. There they can lodge, block the flow of urine, and cause pain.
Many stones cause sudden, severe pain and bloody urine. Others cause upset stomach (nausea). Or they can cause a frequent need to pee. Or a burning feeling when you pee. Symptoms often depend on your stone’s size and location. Fever may be a sign of a serious infection. Call your healthcare provider right away if you develop a fever.